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English 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are in the office kitchen, taking a coffee break. A new employee is there, too. Start a conversation
Tell a colleague about a presentation you have seen or a training course you have attended that was one of the most disappointing for you. Be sure to say why it was disappointing and how you felt.
Tell a colleague about a presentation you have seen or a training course you have attended that was one of the most motivating for you. Be sure to say why it was motivating and how you felt.
Doctor Mathers is one of the most ____ physicists in the world.
We were all excited to start working after the CEO’s talk. It was one of her most _____ speeches.
MicroTek is one of the best-______ producers of electronic devices.
Harry is one of the most ____ speakers—half the audience always falls asleep in his presentations.
After doing this job for twenty years, I feel I am the most ____ at it.
I’m not very interested in jazz music.
neither am I
I enjoy cooking.
so do I
A) I’ve never worked abroad. B) ..............................
neither have I.
– Do you know Barry? – Yes, of course. He’s a colleague ____.
of mine
– Have you two known Mark and Lucy a long time? – Yes, they are good friends____ .
of ours
I saw you talking to Mr. Potter. Is he an acquaintance ______ ?
of yours
Wanda isn’t coming to the meeting, _____ ?
is she?
They don’t play tennis, ____?
do they?
You haven’t been here before, ____?
have you
– We won’t be late, ___ ___?
will we