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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the Last book in the Bible? 10 points question
Keep me as the _____ of the eye: Fill in the blanks. 25 Points
Boy Jesus Came back form hiding to which place? 15 points
The first book in Bible? 10 points
Who appeared to John in Patmos? 25 points
from which island did John write the book of Revelation? 25 points
Island of Patmos
To which place did the angel say to Joseph to Go to hide from Herod? 15 Points
Who appeared to Joseph in a dream? 15 points
An angel of the Lord
Who hides us from the troubles? 25 points
What was Jesus doing on the boat when the storm came? 20 points
Jesus was sleeping
Who wrote the book of Revelation? 25 points
John the Apostle
Jesus calmed the storm in which sea? 15 points
sea of Galilee
Name the Cruel king on day one