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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Your microphone should be unmuted all the time.
What should you do if your teacher sends a message inside Schoology or in Gmail?
(general answer)
What if you really know the answer to the questions but the teacher picks someone else to answer, what will you do?
(general answer)
What if you get disconnected while having an online class? What will you do?
(general answer)
What is our Learning Management System or LMS?
How can you observe proper use of chatbox?
(general answer)
What should you do if it's recess or break time?
(general answer)
When do you think your parent or learning companion can help you during online class?
(general answer)
What should you do if you want to say something to your teacher while the class is on going?
(general answer)
True or False: You are allowed to use your cellphone, open other applications or sites during online classes.
What do you think will happen if all of your classmates open their microphones simultaneously?
(general answer)
Why do you need to wear earphone or headset during online classes?
(general answer)
The camera should always be turned ______ during classes.
What should you do if your camera is broken?
(general answer)
What should you do during our MOR or MOS?
(general answer)
True or False: Before logging-in, make sure the battery of your gadget is low.
Give one materials you should prepare before class.
books, notebooks, school supplies, whiteboard and whiteboad marker
True or False: Other household members must not be seen passing by during online classes..
True or false: Your school materials should be readily available and within reach.
The background of your learning area should be __________.
A plain wall or any background free from distraction
Give one proper attire required by school.
Brown uniform or PE shirt
You need to log-in ____ minutes before the class time.
What is the official time of our online class?
7:30 am