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Future plans Outcomes

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: So what ___ you ____ about it? Any idea? B: Hey, my boss is here. Can't talk now. I ___ you back later.
are you going to do; will call
A: I ____(go) home now. I'm tired and it's late. I need to sleep. B: Ok, but I ____ (see) you in the meeting tomorrow morning then.
am going; will see
A: What are you doing tomorrow? Do you have any plans? B: I _____ (visit) a client in the morning, but after that I'm free. I ____ (text) you sometime after one.
am going to visit; will text
A: My plane is landing at around half past six. B: Ok, well, I ___ (come) and meet you at the airport, then.
will come
A: I'm afraid I can't meet you at the station. I ______(be) in Spain on a work trip that day. B: That's OK. I ___ (get) a taxi to me hotel. It's not a problem.
am going to be; will get