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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In our company, more facilities have been given to us by our boss.
In our company, our boss has given us more facilities.
The exam will be passed by my students.
My students will pass the exam.
A new house will be bought by the new marriage.
The new marriage is going to buy a new house.
The tiger was killed by the man.
The man killed the tiger.
The key is kept safe in his desk (by him.)
He keeps the key safe in his desk.
During this pandemic, more products are being bought by people on line.
During this pandemic, people are buying more products on line.
A better salary is going to be given to us by the manager.
The new manager is going to give us a better salary.
In 2050 garbage will be recycled by more people.
In 2050 more people will recycle garbage.
In the future, flying cars will be sold by Ferrari.
In the future, Ferrari will sell flying cars.
The money was stolen by the robber.
The robber stole the money.
A great party was organized by my brother last year.
Las year my brother organized a great party.
Hot meals are served by the waiter.
The waiter serves hot meals.
The rock music will be played by the radio station.
The radio station will play the rock music.
The book was sent by my friend.
My friends sent the book.