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English 3 u40(2018)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell a friend what a movie is about
Jason and Martina ___ ____ ___ (finish) their project.
have just finished
Martin ___ ____ ___-(call). He says we should start without him.
has just called
I ____ ____ ___ (meet) your supervisor. She seems very nice.
have just met
Hurry! The movie ___ ____ ____ (start).
has just started
I don’t like ___ seats; they’re too close to the ____. Do you have anything farther back?
front row / stage
I’m afraid tonight’s performance is__ . But we do have tickets for tomorrow’s performance.
sold out
Tickets for the ____ show are usually the least expensive.
If you buy your tickets online, you can pick them up at the ____ an hour before the ___ .
box office / performance
We don’t know where we’d like to sit. Can you show us a ___ ____ ?
seating chart
The story is about a boy and a girl from two rival families. Characters / Setting / Plot / Review
Jeremy Stone plays the part of the detective. Characters / Setting / Plot / Review
It’s supposed to be the best movie of the year. Characters / Setting / Plot / Review
It’s set in nineteenth-century London. Characters / Setting / Plot / Review
It’s based on the true story of a pilot lost in Africa during World War II. Characters / Setting / Plot / Review
It’s about a group of people looking for a lost treasure. Characters / Setting / Plot / Reviews.
It takes place in the future, in a town on Mars. Characters / Setting / Plot / Reviews