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English 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Reading 32, questions 4,5,6.
reading 32 questions 1,2,3
Compare your house with your classmates'.
You are moving to a new place in two weeks. Tell a friend about the new place.
Goal 31
Molly would like to move, ____ ?
wouldn't she?
Zack will be here tomorrow, ___?
won't he?
I’m picking you up at the new place, _______?
aren't I?
The Simpsons bought a new house last year, _________?
didn't they?
We are closed on Monday, ______________?
aren't we?
You live downtown, ______________ ?
don't you?
The Bennetts have two cars. They need a ______ garage.
We’re looking for a house with three bedrooms. → We’re looking for a ____ house.
Can members bring a guest? Bert doesn’t know. → Bert ..................................
doesn't know if members can bring a guest.
How much is the membership fee? I don’t know. → I ..................
don't know how much the membership fee is
How does this work? Can you tell me? → Can you
tell me how this works?
Do they offer aerobics classes? Do you know? → Do you ................
know if they offer aerobic classes?
s Nancy working today? Can you tell me? → Can you tell me if ..................................?
Nancy is working today