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Getting to know each other - 9° ano Palavra Viv ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In my opinion, one of ___ _______ fantasy sequels is The Lord of The Rings - but I'm having a crush on Star Wars too! (GOOD - superlative)
In my opinion, one of THE BEST fantasy sequels is The Lord of The Rings - but I'm having a crush on Star Wars too!
The Olympic Games _____ _____ my vacation: I went to bed late every night because of them! (RUIN - Present Perfect)
The Olympic Games HAVE RUINED my vacation: I went to bed late every night because of them!
I really don't know how to cook, but I ____ _____ to learn it. (VERB to express wishes and desires)
I really don't know how to cook, but I WOULD LIKE to learn it.
I _____ surgery on my nerves to treat a severe sweating problem ten years ago. (HAVE - Past Simple)
I HAD surgery on my nerves to treat a severe sweating problem ten years ago.
I ____ _____ a teacher for 10 years and I absolutely love my job! (BE - Present Perfect)
I ____ _____ a teacher for 10 years and I absolutely love my job!
I ______ sing and play the piano - not much, though! (MODAL VERB - ability)
I CAN sing and play the piano (not much, though!)
Weird tastes: I love ______ ice cream when it's melting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (HAVE - Gerund or infinitive?)
Weird tastes: I love HAVING ice cream when it's melting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My cat's name is Legolas. If I ___ ____ him twice a day, he _____ a lot! (NOT FEED / MEOW - Zero Conditional)
My cat's name is Legolas. If I DON'T FEED him twice a day, he MEOWS a lot!
I ____ _____ on a quiz show on TV - and I won it! (BE - Present Perfect)
I have been on a quiz show on TV - and I won it!