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The Summer Olympics: Lesson 2

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Have you ever ran in a relay race?
Why were Smith and Carlos thrown off the U.S team in 1968?
For saluting.
Wilma Rudolph suffered from which disease as a child? A) Chicken pox B) Polio C) Laryngitis
B) Polio
Which sport is Cassius Clay (Muhammed Ali) known for?
Who couldn't live together in the 1960's in the south of the U.S?
Different races
Why were people protesting in the 1960's?
For changes in government and equal rights for minorities.
Why do all athlete march as one country during the closing ceremony?
So the joy of sports can overcome political conflict.
Why did the Hungarian and the Russian athletes get into trouble during their water polo match?
Russia had previously sent troops into Hungary.
Which two countries were in a Cold War?
The U.S and Russia
Why were the Olympics games cancelled in both 1940 and 1944?
There were originally only two medals given after an event, which color medal wasn't used?
How many events does a decathlon have?
What is the name of this sport?
The pentathlon has how many events?
In which year were the Olympic Games held in Stockholm? A) 1904 B) 1908 C) 1912
C) 1912
Who was described as the first true Olympic star? A) Jim Thorpe B) Margaret Abbott C) Hitler
A) Jim Thorpe
When were women first allowed to compete in the Olympics? A) 1890 B) 1895 C)1900
C) 1900
Which kinds of food did people try in St. Louis?
Cotton candy and peanut butter.