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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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10. Robots/ might/ housework/ future.
Robots might do housework in the future
9. I/ guess/it/ cost/ lot/ buy/ furniture/ house.
I guess it will cost a lot to buy furniture in my house
8. She/ go/ gym/ yesterday afternoon/ and/ probably/ go/ there/ this afternoon/ too.
She went to the gym yesterday afternoon and will probably go there this afternoon there.
7. I/ promise/ I/ not/ late/ school.
I promise I will not late for school
6. They/ probably/ build/ big house/ but/it/ not/ sure/ all.
They will probably build a big house but it isn't sure at all.
5. If/ finish/homework/ soon/we/ be able/ go to the cinema.
If we finish homework soon, we will be able to go to the cinema.
4. It/ first/ time/ I/ ever see/ such/ intelligent/ robot.
It's the first time I have ever seen a such intelligent robot.
3. Dave/ have/ difficult/ exam/Maths/ next/week/ but/ he/ not/ really/ ready.
Dave has a difficult exam in Maths next week but he isn't really ready.
2. If/ not throw/ trash/water/ there/ be/ no/ water pollution.
If people don't throw trash in water, there will be no water pollution
1. My house/ have/ big yard/so/ friends/ I/ often/play/ football/ there.
My house has a big yard so my friends and I often play football there