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10. And how I miss someone to hold when hope becomes to fade
becomes = begins
9. I found you, something cold me to stay I gave in to selfish ways
cold = told
8. some search never holding a way, Before song they waste away
holding = finding, song = long
7. Can't help but think of the limes I've had with you mixtures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
limes = times, mixtures = pictures
6. There's nothing here four me on this barren road There's no one here while the city keeps and all the shops are closed
four = for, keeps = sleeps
5. ’Cause I'm only and I'm tired, I'm kissing you again, oh no, once again
only = lonely, kissing = missing
4. We all need that person how can be true to you But I left her where I found her and now I wish I'd stayed
how = who, where = when
3. Dear God, the only thing I ask of You Is to hold here when I'm not around, when I'm much two far away
here = her, two = too
2. While I recall all the world you spoke to me Can't help but wish that I was there, back where I'd move to be, oh yeah
world = words, move = love
1. A lonely road crossed a mother cold state line Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to fine
a mother = another, fine = find