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Phrasal Verbs with two participles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To feel better than someone else
look down on
put up with
look up to
stand up for
reduce the amount of something
cut down on
drop in on
get away with
look down on
To do something bad and not be punished for it
get away with
face up to
come up against
cut down on
To meet your expectations
live up to
face up to
feel up to
get away with
To think of an idea
come up with
get on with
go in for
get around to
have the strength and energy to do something
feel up to
not up to
get up to
live up to
To remove something or someone
do away with
get away with
cut down on
come up against
To get too old for something
grow out of
run out of
get out of
look down on
to wait for something with pleasure
look forward to
look up to
stand up for
put up with
To visit someone for a short period
drop in on
come up against
face up to
look forward to
Have a good relationship with
get along/on with
get away with
face up to
drop in on
stay in the same place as
keep up with
make up for
drop in on
feel up to
To do something for hobby
go in for
look forward to
grow out of
get up to
find time to do something
get around to
get up to
go in for
keep up with
To respect or admire someone
look up to
grow out of
keep up with
go in for
avoid a responsibility
get out of
give up on
grow out of
look down on
Accept without complaining
put up with
run out of
give up on
grow out of
To defend someone or something
stand up for
put up with
run out of
run out on
To do something bad
get up to no good
get round to no good
go in for no good
put up with