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Aerobic classs

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What is the 3 topics of this class ?
The topics of this class are the meaning, benefits and movements.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. Cross punches. b. High punches
The name of this aerobic movement is cross punches.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ?
The name of this aerobic movement is twisty hop.
What is aerobic exercise ?
Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. Disco step. b. Disco sides.
The name of this aerobic movement is disco step.
1.Stand tall with your back straight. 2. Hands on your hips. 3.Step-touch side to side while keeping your hands on your hips. What is the name of this aerobic movement ?
The name of this aerobic movement is step touch.
What is your 3 favorite aerobic movement?
My favorite aerobic movement are.....................................
What is the name of this aerobic movement ?
The name of this aerobic movement is squat.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. Jumping. b. Modified jumping jacks.
The name of this aerobic movement is Modified jumping jacks.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. High knee marching. b. High knee march with reach and pull.
The name of this aerobic movement is High knee march with reach and pull.
What is the definition of aerobic exercise ?
The definition of Aerobic exercise is with oxygen.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. Front kicks with squat. b. Squat and kicks.
The name of this aerobic movement is front kicks with squat.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. Step touch step. b. Step touch.
The name of this aerobic movement is step touch.
What is the name of this aerobic movement ? a. High knee pushing. b. High knee marching
The name of this aerobic movement is High knee marcing.
Tell me 3 benefits of aerobic exercise.
The benefits of aerobic exercise are Live longer, Reduce your health risks, Boost your mood, Increases energy, Increases endurance, Improves your circulation,