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What is Crayon Shin-chan's real name?
Shinnosuke Nohara
What is the real name of a cool phantom thief in Detective Conan's movie?
Kaito Kuroba
Detective Conan was first released in............... (date and year)
January 8, 1996
Death Note is banned in China (Correct or Not)
Spirited Away is the second anime to be nominated and won an Academy Award (Correct or Not)
Not, It's the first anime nominated and won
In Japan, It's not surprising if you accidentally find a manga (Correct or Not)
Who is Shinichi's detective friend?
Heiji Hattori
This picture is from ..................anime
Spirited Away
Name Shinichi's best friend/ childhood friend
Ran Mouri
Who's character drank the same drug as Shinichi Kudo did?
Ai Haibara
Who is Pokemon's Anime main character?
Ash Ketchum
What is Shinichi's favorite sport?
Name this mode of Naruto
Six Paths Sage Mode
Name two professional snipers work for Black Organization
Chianti and Korn
What is Detective Conan's real name ?
Shinichi Kudo