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Guess that animal

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It is usually green. It jumps. It eats insects. Some people eat them.
This animal has 4 legs. It says "MEOW MEOW". It can fly.
A cat on an airplane
It can live in a house or in the sea. It can swim. Cat's like to eat it.
It can fly. It can walk. It can talk. It is colourful.
It's brown and looks like a dog.
a brown dog
It has 8 arms. It can be poisonous. It lives in the sea. It has tentacles.
It's very big. It eats fish. It can sing. It has a hole in it's head.
It looks like a horse. It has back and white stripes.
It's tall. It eats leaves. It is yellow and brown. It has a long neck.
It's big. It's scary. It lives in a cave. It likes honey. It has big paws.
It is long. It can be dangerous. It has no arms or legs.