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Wet Paint ORT

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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S____ the apple in half.
What was our sight word today?
What was the name of our story?
Wet Paint
The wind ______.
Is the door safe inside the house? Why not?
Because Floppy chased the cat and it went on the wet paint.
What had Dad done?
He put an old door there.
Why were Chip and Biff worried?
Because the feathers would go on the wet paint.
What did Chip and Biff do?
They had a pillow fight.
What did Dad do?
He painted the door again.
What did Floppy put on the wet paint? How is Dad feeling?
Floppy put his paws on the paint. Dad is angry.
Where did Kipper put his hands?
Kipper put his hands on the wet paint. 
What was dad doing? What color?
He was painting the door blue. 
Where are they?
They are outside. 
Where are they?
They are inside. 
What are these?
These are dog paws. 
What are these?
These are feathers. 
What is this?
This is paint.Â