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Guess the Animal

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I hang upside down and I fly at night. What am I?
I am a bat
I live on the beach and I have a hard grip. What am I?
I am a crab
I may be fluffy, I may be cute but I always wag my tail wherever I go. What am I?
I am a dog
I am a tall bird but I can't fly. What am I?
I am an emu
I'm from Australia and I have a pouch for my baby. What am I?
I am a kangaroo.
I am spiky on the outside and I'm really good at digging. What am I?
I am an echidna
I have large teeth and I am live in the ocean but you don't want to swim with me. What am I?
I am a shark
I have a shell on my back and I'm slimy. What am I?
I am a snail
I have five points and I live on the ocean floor. What am I?
I am a starfish.
I'm big and white and I live near the north pole. What am I?
I am a polar bear.
I have humps on my back and I live in the desert. What am I?
I am a camel
I am black and yellow and I make honey.
I am a bee
I am black and white with stripes. What am I?
I am a zebra
I am a large animal who lives in the ocean. What am I?
I am a whale
I live on a farm and I make milk. What am I?
I am a cow
I might not be good at flying but I have a beautiful tail. What am I?
I am a peacock
I am red with black spots and live on leaves. What am I?
I am a ladybug
I live in the ocean and I have 8 arms. What am I?
I am an octopus
I am slow and I can climb trees. What am I?
I am a sloth
I am a bird that says hoot and I am wise. What am I?
I am an owl