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Word Study: Summer Academy

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Racism, Judaism, Patriotism, Atheism all share the suffix "-ism". Explain why this makes sense.
"-ism" is a belief, action or practice of something
What does the root "punct" mean? Give a definition and 2 examples.
punct = point or dot. Ex: punctual, punctuation, acupuncture
The prefix "inter" means "between." List 2 words with this prefix.
Interstate, International, Intercept, Interject, etc.
Identify the best word element to fit this image: a-, co-, -ize
Prefix: co - to be together or with
Identify the best word element to fit this image: vid/vis, co-, -age
Root: vid/vis (or spec) - to see or look
Identify the best word element to fit this image: ante-, vita, -cide
Suffix: cide - to kill
Identify the best word element to fit this image: cog, ante-, or spec
Root: cog - to know
What is a suffix?
the ending part of a word that has a specific meaning
What is a root?
part of a word with a specific meaning that can be added to a prefix or suffix
What is a prefix?
the beginning part of a word that has a specific meaning
The suffix "-ize" means "to make, or cause to become" . List 2 words with this suffix.
Industrialize, Memorize, Idolize, Realize, Hypothesize, Recognize, etc.
The root "vid" and "vis" mean "to look or see" . List 2 words with this root.
Videos, Visual, Visualize, Revision, etc.
The root "spec" means "to see or look" . List 2 words with this root.
Spectacle, Spectator, Respect, etc.
The prefix "hypo-" means "below, less than normal" . List 2 words with this prefix.
Hypothesis, Hypothermia, Hypochondriac, Hypoactive, etc.
The prefix "hyper-" means "over, above, or excessive". List 2 words with this prefix.
Hypertension, Hyperextension, Hyperactive, Hypervigilant, etc.
The suffix "-cide" means "to kill" . List 2 words with this suffix.
Pesticide, Germicide, Homicide, Genocide, etc.
The root "vita" means "life, alive". List 2 words with this root.
Vital, Revitalize, Vitality, Vitamin, etc.
Based on your knowledge of "co-", Cooperate, Cohabitate, Coalition would all relate because _____?
being part of something with others
Define the prefix "co-"
to be together or with
Aboard, Atypical, Atheist all being with prefix "a-". Why does this make sense with its definition?
"a-" means to go on something (aboard), or to be without (atypical, atheist)
Define the prefix "a-"
to go on or in something OR to be without
a Carriage, a Package, and Sewage all relate to collecting some thing. What do the words have in common?
The suffix "-age"
Define the suffix "-age"
the result of an action, to collect
Incognito, Recognize, and Cognition all have to do with being known. Why does this make sense?
All words have the root "cog" which means "to know" or "to learn"
Define the root "cog"
to know
Antique, Antebellum, Anticipate all have the prefix "ant" Explain why this makes sense.
"Ant" and "Ante" can be defined as happening "before" something 
Define the prefix "ante-"
in front of, before