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J4B Unit 7 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should/Should not: You ___ wash your hands. They are dirty
Should/Should not: You ___ go to school in dirty clothes.
should not
Should/Should not: The boys and girls ___ speak more politely to the teacher.
Should/Should not: The baby is sleeping. We ____ make a lot of noise.
should not
Should/Should not: It's Meg's birthday tomorrow. We __ buy a present for her.
Unscramble: How/have/you/much/time/got/?
How much time have you got?
Unscramble: grass/There/for/was lots of/the reindeer/to eat.
There was lots of grass for the reindeer to eat
Unscramble: animals/Joe/could/in/see/a lot of/the field
Joe could see a lot of animals in the field.
Unscramble: friends/has/My/got/sisters/lots of
My sister has got lots of friends.
Make a question using much/many: fruit-basket
Is there much fruit in the basket?
Make a question using much/many: camels-desert
Are they many camels in the desert?
Make a question using much/many: trees-forrest
Are there many trees in the forrest?
Make a question using Much/Many: Water - River
Is there much water in the river?