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Animal idioms 7.0+
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What's done is done. There is no use ___. (do things that are unlikely to be successful)
whipping/flogging a dead horse
When it comes to examinations, he turns to a complete ___ that studies days and nights. (someone that is very hardworking)
eager beaver
Bill, stop ! ___ and wait for your turn. (calm down and wait)
Hold your horses
If you can’t get a better job, you won’t be able to ___. (earn enough money for essentials)
keep the wolf from the door
If you don't divide work equally among team members, you will end up ___. (do manual labor or jobs that are routine)
doing the donkey work
I finally ___ and told my parents I was moving to Da Nang for a new job. (face difficulty directly and with courage)
took the bull by the horns
Although I was pretty sociable, I was like _____ on my first day at university because I didn’t have any friends or acquaintances there, and everything seemed so overwhelming (someone who feels uncomfortable at an unfamiliar place).
a fish out of water