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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He chose the black shoes.
He DIDN'T CHOOSE the black shoes.
We thought the dish was delicious.
We DIDN'T THINK the dish was delicious.
He forgot to do his homework.
He DIDN'T FORGET to do his homework.
He looked horrible.
He DIDN'T LOOK horrible.
We did a lot of sports at the weekend.
We DIDN'T DO any sports at the weekend.
We drank champagne to celebrate.
We DIDN'T DRINK champagne to celebrate.
They ate ravioli.
They DIDN'T EAT ravioli.
He took the book to the library.
He DIDN'T TAKE the book to the library.
As it was Sunday, yesterday I got up at 11am.
As it was Sunday, yesterday I DIDN'T GET UP at 11am.
Last night I had onion soup for dinner.
Last night I DIDN'T HAVE onion soup for dinner.
We came home at 10pm.
They DIDN'T COME home at 10pm.
Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
Da Vinci DIDN'T PAINT the Mona Lisa.
She fell off her bike.
She DIDN'T FALL off her bike.
Last night he felt awful after eating 3 burgers.
Last night he DIDN'T FEEL awful after eating 3 burgers.
He touched the cat.
He DIDN'T TOUCH the cat.
The music sounded beautiful.
The music DIDN'T SOUND beautiful.
The dish tasted awful.
The dish DIDN'T TASTE awful.
We sang in a choir last year.
We DIDN'T SING in a choir last year.
She swam to the island.
She DIDN'T SWIM to the island.
I brought some souvenirs back from London.
I DIDN'T BRING some souvenirs back from London.
I enjoyed the lobster.
I DIDN'T ENJOY the lobster.
I liked that film very much.
I DIDN'T LIKE that film very much
Last month they put on their summer clothes.
Last month they DIDN'T PUT on their summer clothes.
Yesterday, for the first time, I tried hummus.
Yesterday, for the first time, I DIDN'T TRY hummus.
Yesterday I bought a pizza for supper.
Yesterday I DIDN'T BUY a pizza for supper.
We played cards last weekend.
We DIDN'T PLAY cards last weekend.
I watched the football match last night.
I DIDN'T WATCH the football match last night.