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Name 5 Snack
Freddo Frogs, Cadbury Koalas, Snakes, Liquorice, Lollipops, Black Cats, Twisties, Doritos
Name 5 TV Shows
SpongeBob, Peppa Pig, Minions, Bluey, Arthur, Gum Ball Adventure Time
Name 3 Musical Instruments
Guitar, Flute, Triangles, Piano, Trumpet, Drums, Saxophone, Violin, Harp
Name 3 Drinks
Water, Cola, Lemonade, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Cordial
Name 2 Pieces of Furniture
Chair, Bed, Table, Desk, Lounge, Fridge, Wardrobe,
Name 4 Animals
Dogs, Cats, Snakes, Elephants, Zebra, Giraffe, Fish, Bird, Chickens
Name 6 Adjectives
Pretty, Soft, Colourful, Messy, Neat, Round, Square, Many, Sweet, Smooth, Loud
Name 7 Parts of the Body
Head, Shoulders, Arms, Elbow, Knees, Legs, Feet, Toes, Hands, Fingers, Ears, Eyes, Nose
Name 3 Jobs
Policeman, Teacher, Firefighter, Office Worker, Artist, Computer Programmer, Dog Trainer, Vet, Writer
Name 5 Vegetables
Broccoli, Carrots, Potatoes, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Lettuce, Corn, Mushrooms, Spinach, Pumpkin
Name 8 Colours
Red, Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow, White, Black, Green, Orange, Purple
Name 5 Fruits
Strawberries, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Kiwi Fruit, Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Pears, Passionfruit, Bananas