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Desert Tour

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A jack rabbit can survive in the desert because of its?
Long ears.
This animal can survive without drinking water. Who is it?
Fennec fox.
Where do scorpions can get water from?
From their food they eat.
Mesquite tree has tiny leaves to prevent water loss. True or false?
Which animal that is active during the night?
Jack rabbit.
Namibian beetle.
Animals like fennec fox and jack rabbit have long ears. What for?
To release heat.
To store fats.
To store water.
To prevent from predators.
Camels have bushy and long eyelashes. What for?
To protect themselves from sand.
Why do camels have two humps on their back?
To store fats.
Does cactus has leaves? Yes or No?
Cactus has thorns to prevent ___________.
Water loss.
What is a desert?
A place that has less rain every year.
There are snow in desert. True or false?
There are 3 types of desert. Hot desert, cold desert and ________ desert.