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What did you do over the weekend?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did you do during the car ride to/from the beach?
On the drive, I...
If you could describe your vacation week in ONE word, what would it be?
Did you go shopping or to any stores?
No, I didn't go to a store. Yes, I went to...
Did you go out for ice cream?
No, I didn't. Yes, I went our for ice cream and...
Did you go swimming?
No, I didn't. Yes, I went swimming...
Did you celebrate anything special?
No, I didn't. Yes, I celebrated...
Did you play any board games/cards?
No, I didn't. Yes, I played...
Did you play any games this weekend?
No, I didn't play any games. Yes, I played...
Tell me ONE thing you did over the week that made you happy?
One thing that made me happy was...
What did you do for fun in LBI?
For fun, we...
What is one place you visited while you were in LBI?
I went...
What was the best meal you ate on vacation?
The best thing I ate this on vacation was...
Did you watch any sports games? 
No, I didn't watch any sports. Yes, I watched...
Did you watch any TV?
No, I didn't watch TV. Yes, I watched...
Did you watch any movies?
No, I didn't watch any movies. Yes, I watched...
While on vacation, did you sleep in late or wake up early?
I woke up at...
What did you do while at the beach?
At the beach we....
What was the BEST part of your vacation?
The best part of vacation was...