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Body Parts and Functions

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When you are young they all fall to replace to permanent ones.
Teeth bones.
You can break them if you fall very bad.
The bones.
You can smile because of them.
Mouth muscles.
You can do a cartwheel because you can extend and contract them.
The muscles.
You can get a tattoo on it.
The skin.
You can feel the air on it.
The skin.
You can get a cut on it.
The skin.
It is the largest organ in our body,
The skin.
It is a sensory organ (touch and it detects temperaure)
The skin.
It helps to regulate body temperature; it is and immune organ to detect inffections
The skin
They support the body, protect our organs and allow us to move.
The bones
They are responsible for movement.
The muscles.
They can provide contraction.
The muscles.
It produces vitamin D, which is responsible for building strong bones and teeth.
It is the skin.
It is a barrier against thermal and physical injury and substances
It is the skin.