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Zoo Animals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal loves to dance?
The flamingo!
What animal lives in China?
The panda!
What animal sleeps most of the time?
The koala!
What animal has 6 thumbs?
The koala!
What animals eat types of tree leaves?
The giraffe and koalas!
Which animal eats bamboo?
The panda!
What animal lives in trees?
The koala!
What animal likes the cold?
A penguin!
What animal likes to swim?
The otter!
What animal loves honey?
A brown bear!
What animal has a long neck?
What animals are black and white?
Pandas and zebras!
Teacher says stand like a flamingo!
Good job!
What animal do you see?
I see a penguin!
What animal do you see?
I see an otter!
What animal do you see?
I see a flamingo!
What animal do you see?
I see a kangaroo!
What animal do you see?
I see a koala!
What animal do you see?
I see a brown bear!
What animal do you see?
I see a zebra!
What animal do you see?
I see an elephant!
What animal do you see?
I see a giraffe!
What animal do you see?
I see a panda!