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YE2 Midterm Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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going / this / you / do / Are / anything / weekend? / good / to
Are you going to do anything good this weekend?
easy? / Are / the / going / to / be / questions
Are the questions going to be easy?
going / now? / start / Is / the / to / film
Is the film going to start now?
to / be / isn't / She / a / doctor. / going
She isn't going to be a doctor.
My laptop can store a lot of information because it has a big ...
If you want the music to be louder, you can turn up the volume on the ...
You can type information into the computer using a ...
My laptop has a ... .It looks like a mini camera.
My dad ... me a new laptop for my birthday.
Your teeth are yellow! You ... them more often! (clean)
should clean
You ... away from the lions, they are dangerous! (keep)
should keep
You ... to bed early, it's healthy
should go
You ... beer when you drive (drink)
shouldn't drink
I had a small house, but now we're moving to a ... (big) house
I think playing games is ... (interesting) than reading books.
more interesting
A memory card is ... than a USB.
Do you think using the bus is ... (cheap) than riding a motorbike?
Is an LV handbag ... (expensive) than a Gucci handbag?
more expensive