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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don`t forget a s_n h_t.
Don`t forget a s_n h_t.
Let`s play in the s_n and have some f_n.
Let`s play in the sun and have some fun.
Let`s st_nd in the s_nd.
Let`s stand in the sand.
My fl_t is my h_me.
My flat is my home.
My m_m can j_ump and r_n fast.
My mum can jump and run fast.
Gr_c_ has long l_gs.
Grace has long legs.
I l_ke drinking coffee in a c_p.
I like drinking coffee in a cup.
I want a p_t. It doesn`t matter a dog or a c_t.
I want a pet. It doesn`t matter a dog or a cat.
The r_d l_mp is on the t_ble.
The red lamp is on the table.
Th_s k_d is f_t.
This kid is fit.
I would l_ke to put l_m_ in my water.
I would like to put lime in my water.
This b_t is very big.
This bat is very big.
My p_n is r_d. I use it for writing.
My pen is red.
This b_d is comfortable.
This bed is comfortable.
I have a big n_s_.
I have a big nose.