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Unit 1: Bringing Dreams to Life

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens when everything is set?
Everything is done
What's "make it"?
(v) succeed in doing something difficult
What's to turn into?
(v) to change one thing to another one
What's "prior"?
(adj) earlier, previous
What's something "guaranteed"?
(adj) something promised
What's the meaning of "to trip"?
(v) to lose balance by stepping badly
What's a journey?
(n) a long trip, a set of experiences that someone has over a period of time
What's the meaning of "peak"?
(n) point of greatest success
What's a "sequel"?
(n) a book, movie, etc. that continues the story of a previous one
What's "revenue"?
(n)money from a business, earnings, income
What's the meaning of "infinite"?
(adj) limitless, endless
What's "humble"?
(adj) modest, not rich
What's to overlap?
(v) to be similar
What's "bankruptcy"?
(n) the legal state of being without money
What's to estimate?
(v) figure the approximate (not exact) amount or extent of
What's striking?
(adj) immediately noticeable, usually in a positive or good sense
What's "overnight success"?
(n phrase) someone or something that becomes very successful in a very short period of time
What's to "run a business"?
(v phrase) manage or control a company or business
What's an "investor"?
(n) a person who puts money into a business idea or activity in the hopes of making more money if the idea is successful
What's the meaning of "wealth"?
(n) a large amount of money and property
What's to "settle down"?
(phrasal v) locate and establish (oneself, one's family)
What's "constantly"?
(adv) happening all the time, continuously
What's the meaning of "catch up on"?
(phrasal v) to do something to get back on schedule after falling behind