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Form 3 "Unit 4-5"

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mille kirjutad nimisõna lõppu, kui miski on kellegi oma? Too üks näide.
´S Mary´s ball
Millist tegusõna kasutad, kui kellelgi on midagi? Näiteks, mul on pall.
Mille kirjutad sõna lõppu, kui miski on kellegi oma? Too üks näide.
´S Mary´s ball
Mida kirjutad sõna lõppu, kui sõna on mitmuses? Too üks näide.
-S a car - cars
Translate: laua all
under the table (desk)
Translate: pinalis
in the pencilcase
Translate: põranda peal
on the floor
What is the Estonian for "a hall"?
esik, saal, koridor
Translate: What is your favourite healthy food?
Mis on sinu lemmik tervislik toit?
Spell the word BEAUTIFUL
/ bi-i-ei-ju-ti-ai-ef-ju-el /
What´s the English for "ananass"?
a pineapple
Name vegetables that grow in the ground.
a potato, a carrot, an onion, a swede....
Spell in english the word "ploom".
/ pi-el-ju-em /
Nimeta kolm söögikorda.
Translate: PIKK (2)
long ~ tall I
Write three rooms in the house.
a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, a hall...
Name three verbs in English. (nimeta kolm tegusõna inglise keeles)
am/is/are have/has/had eat/ate play can drink
Translate: Mul on suur, sinine pall.
I have got a big blue ball.
Translate: AED
a garden
Milline sõna ei sobi: an apple, a bear, a kiwi, a plum, a cherry, a banana
a bear-karu, teised on puuviljad (fruit)
Translate: JUICY
Answer: What colour are apples?
Apples are green, yellow, red, orange, white, pink, .....
Answer: Where do apples grow? (kus õunad kasvavad)
Apples grow on trees.
That fruit is brown outside and green inside.
a kiwi
Do you like a pear?
Yes, I do. No, I don´t.
Translate: Do vegetables grow on trees?
Kas köögiviljad kasvavad puu otsas?
Write three vegetables.
a tomato, a potato, a carrot, a pea, a cucumber, a broccoli, a swede.....
Translate: KÖÖGIS
Translate: MUNA
What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is ....... a pizza, pasta, french fries, strawberries......
A banana is ............ (kirjelda, milline on banaan)
sweet, yellow, soft, long, small, fruit, grows on a plant
Name some boy´s toys.
a robot, toy bricks, a scooter, a ball.....
Spell the word "SÖÖMA" in English.
/ i- ei- ti /
Tegusõna SÖÖMA olevikus ja minevikus
Translate: magamistoas
What colour are bananas?
Bananas are yellow.
One fruit is the same word as a colour.
Name some yellow fruit (as many as you can).
a melon, a lemon, grapes, an apple, a pear, a banana, a raspberry....
Name three toys.
a doll, a train, a ball, a teddy bear, toy bricks, a robot, a scooter ....
Translate: MAGUS
What is your favourite breakfast? (name 3 foods)
pancakes, jelly, porridge, cornflakes, a sandwich, eggs, fruit...
Translate: Do you like vegetables?
Yes, I do. No, I don´t.
Ma mängin palli.
I play ball.