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How many seismographs do you need to find an epicenter?
What does a one point increase in moment magnitude mean?
The energy is about 32 times more
What scale do geologists use to rate the total energy an earthquake releases?
Moment magnitude scale
What was the earliest magnitude scale?
The Richter scale
What is the magnitude of an earthquake?
A single number that geologists assign to an earthquake based on the earthquake's size
What does the Modified Mercalli scale rate?
The amount of shaking from an earthquake based on people's observations
What is a seismograph?
An instrument that records and measures an earthquake's seismic waves
How do geologists monitor earthquakes?
They measure the seismic waves produced
How do surface waves move?
Like ocean waves in an almost circular pattern
How do S waves move?
They move side to side or up and down
What are the first waves to arrive from an earthquake?
P waves
What do P waves do to the ground?
Compress and expand it like an accordion
Which type of seismic wave is not sent out from the earthquake's focus?
Surface waves
What layer of the Earth do most earthquakes begin in?
The lithosphere
What is the epicenter of an earthquake?
The point on the surface directly above the focus
What is the focus of an earthquake?
The area beneath Earth's surface where rock that was under stress begins to break or move
What are three types of seismic waves?
P waves, S waves, and surface waves
What partially determines the speed and path of seismic waves?
The material through which the waves travel
What are seismic waves?
They are similar to sound waves, and they travel through Earth carrying energy released by an earthquake.
What is an earthquake caused by?
Movement of rock beneath Earth's surface