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Latitude and Longitude

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the approximate altitude of Polaris when viewed from New York City?
Which symbol would be used to identify an air mass originating in central Canada?
Most ozone is found in a region of Earth’s atmosphere between 10 and 20 miles above Earth’s surface. This temperature zone of the atmosphere is known as the
As a parcel of air moves up a mountainside and expands, the temperature of the air will
remain the same
If a weather balloon rises through the atmosphere, what should happen to the temperature and pressure it records?
both decrease
What happens to the altitude of Polaris as I travel North in the northern hemisphere? Does it increase or decrease?
What is the approximate altitude of Polaris at Syracuse, NY?
43 degrees N
The angle of Polaris above the northern horizon can be used to determine an observer's latitude or longitude?
What is the formula for gradient?
gradient = change in field value/distance (page 1 of ESRT)
If a counter line is marked 200m and the next contour line is marked 250m, what is the contour interval?
50 m
Do streams and rivers flow in the opposite OR same direction as the contour lines bend/flow?
opposite (contour lines bend UPSTREAM to higher elevation)
What is the latitude of the North Pole?
90 degrees N
Look at the map on page 3 of you ESRT. What body of water is North of NYS?
Lake Ontario
Would I be able to see Polaris in the southern hemisphere? Yes or No.
No. Polaris is almost directly above the geographic North Pole.
Give me the approximate latitude and longitude for the Hawaii Hot Spot.
20 degrees N, 160 degrees W
What NYS city is located at 43 degrees 10' N, 76 degrees 10' W ?
Which city in NYS is located at 43 degrees 20' N, 76 degrees 30' W ?
Use your ESRT to name a continent that touches the Equator.
Africa, South America...
If an observer view Polaris from 45 degrees N latitude, what is the altitude of Polaris?
45 degrees
Which option shows a longitude value written correctly? A. 65 degrees W B. 65 degrees N
A. Longitude values are always East or West of the Prime Meridian
Which option shows a latitude value written correctly? A. 65 degrees W B. 65 degrees N
B. Latitude values are always North or South of the Equator
If Polaris is 45 degrees above the horizon, what is the observers latitude? Don't forget direction!!
45 degrees N
What town in England does the PM run through?
What is 0 degrees longitude known as?
the Prime Meridian
What is 0 degrees Latitude known as?
the Equator
Lines that run from North to South and are also known as meridians are lines of latitude or longitude?
Lines that are PARALLEL and run from East to West are lines of latitude or longitude?
Latitude, also known as parallels