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Dino Review Time!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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All dinosaurs have 4 legs, 5 toes and can fly. (True/False)
Guess this dino: E _ r _ p _o r
Chickens are descendants of dinosaurs. (True/False)
How dino footprints were formed?
When dinosaurs walked through the mud, they left footprints. Over time, these footprints were filed with sand or small pebbles. Eventually, they got hardened.
Club feet print dinosaurs belongs to the........................
Sauropod group
Theropods are also known as ‘beast-footed’ carnivores dinosaurs. (True/False)
Name 2 examples of dino from the Large Therapod group
Which group does a velociraptor belongs to?
Small Therapod
Name an example of a Ceratopisian grouped dino.
This dino has a club on its tail, known as the armoured tank dinosaur and it can only be bitten if it falls upside down. What is it called?
Which group dinosaur does Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, and Brontosaurus belong to?
Dinosaurs are grouped in groups based on their names. (True/False)
Name the clues that ichnologists used to identify the dinosaur's track and grouped them accordingly.
Size and shape of the footprints
Dino foot trails are evidence of an 'animal' activity when it was alive! (True/False)
It is possible for ichnologists to identify the type of dinosaur by just looking at the footprints. (True/False)
Scientists that studies footprint fossils are called