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Big Fat Year 7 History Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Walter Tull was the victim of particularly bad racist abuse during the game against ________
Bristol City
The First black person to lead a troop of men in the British Army was W______ T_____
Walter Tull
One thousand years are known as a _____________
Objects from the past are known as A_______
A 'sepoy' in the British East India Company was ________
An Indian soldier
The Kohinoor is a _______ in the Queen Mother's crown.
The famous Indian protestor who said that India should use non-violent protest was ____
The word which means 'extreme starvation' is F________.
The British are said to have built 2,400 miles of __________ in India.
The big farms in the Caribbean where slaves were forced to work are called P_________.
The cargo on the ships between West Africa and the Caribbean during the 18th Century was ______________.
The name for the system of trade between Britain, West Africa and the Caribbean is called the _________ Trade.
the Triangle Trade
The leader of the Catholic Church is the ________ in Rome.
Catholics could give money to the church in exchange for forgiveness from sins. This is known as ___________.
Henry VIII needed money to help pay for his wars against ___________.
France (and Scotland)
Henry VIII took the Catholic church's land and gold. This is known as the _______ of the _______.
Dissolution of the Monasteries
The oldest child of Henry VIII was ____________.
Mary I
Henry VIII had an older brother called _________
Henry VIII's first wife was ___________ ___ ___________
Catherine of Aragon
The first European country to be infected by the Black Death was _______.
The bacteria that caused the Black Death is called Y______ P_______
Yersinia Pestis
The Black Death was brought to Britain by __________.
Fleas on rats
The medieval job, 'Gong Farmer', involved ...
Cleaning human poo off the streets!
Duke William's men tricked the Anglo Saxon shield wall by ....
Pretending to retreat, then turning around.
When Edward the Confessor died, the Witan chose ________________ as king of England.
Harold Godwinson
William the Conqueror came from ...
Normandy (France)
The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain from ...
Germany (and Denmark)