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Past Tense Quiz II

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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かれは アローを うちました
He shot an arrow
わたしは くるまを うんてんした。
I drove a car.
わたしは アメリカへ とびました。
I flew to America.
ねこが さかなを とりました
A cat caught a fish
サメが わたしの家に いきました。
A shark went to my house.
What did Neo do? https://youtu.be/YBQLEhzlYX8
Fought, Ran
What did Walter do? https://youtu.be/zGdF6OXr6t0
Drove, Shot
What did they do? https://youtu.be/dHXVvD4FFas?t=31
What happened? https://bit.ly/36HU1Zt
Went to school, Smiled, Read a book
What did King Kong do? https://youtu.be/FzJbllCDZkY?t=25
Fought, Drank, Ate
What did he do? https://bit.ly/3hLyOEk
Cheated, Cried
What did Spiderman do? https://bit.ly/3zfgMQV
Draw, Read
What did Shrek do? https://bit.ly/36Gln2j
Smiled, ate
What did Sonic do? https://youtu.be/PmYFaXKhCl4?t=36
Sonic ran, Sonic jumped, Sonic went to France & Egypt
What did John do? https://bit.ly/3kvQA0g
Cried, Ate, Danced, Studied, Read
What happened? https://youtu.be/5RLjHOEPVdQ
A gorilla played chess
What did Desperaux the mouse do? https://youtu.be/cJUFDPkpUK4
Ran, Caught the cheese, Went to School, Slept
What did Bobby do? https://youtu.be/7I2-14y6-jM
Scored a goal, Ran, Played American Football
What did Star Lord do in Guardians of the Galaxy? https://youtu.be/jaaJyAjvajo
Sang, Danced
What did the Ghostbusters do? https://bit.ly/3kwrSN8
Caught a ghost, Drove a car, Ran