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Scales and Key Signature

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Sing the scales of F Major using solfege.
Fa So La Ti (flat) Do Re Mi Fa
Name the key signature of D Major scales.
F# and C#
G Major - Name the 2nd degree note.
C Major scale - name the 6th degree note.
This is the Key Signature of F Major. True or False?
Name the degree of scales for both notes.
3rd and 4th
The image showed the key signature of G Major. True or False?
Name the missing note AND the degree of the scales.
E (7th degree)
This is G Major scales. True or False?
Stem direction - Up or Down
Stem direction - Up or Down
Which degree of the scale is the note marked with * ? (eg: 4th degree)
1st or 8th
Name the missing note of this scale.
Name the key as shown in this image. (eg. G major)
C Major
This is the key signature of which scale?
F Major
Name the missing note of this scale.
Name the scales.
C Major
Name the scales.
D Major
MAJOR scales are built with Tones and semitones. True or False?
How many notes are there in a SCALE?