Edit Game
Revision Units 7 and 8

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain the difference between will and going to
Why are you switching on the TV? I _____ watch a football match.
am going to
Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay! Don't worry. I ____ lend you some.
What do you want the keys for? I _____ (close) the door.
am going to close
We are thirsty. Wait here. I_____ (get) some water.
will get
Have you got any plans for tomorrow? Yes, I______ (visit) my grandparents
am going to visit
Oil and other chemicals from factories cause a lot of water and air p____ .
A lot of the world’s g_______ are melting.
What's this?
sea snail
Many animals are killed by i____ hunting and fishing.
Most scientists agree that c______ change is going to cause big problems on Earth.
The Grand Canyon is a huge river v_______ in the USA.
They haven't served us any food yet / just. We have to wait.
We have already / yet visited the local market. You should go there too.
I’m not tired. I’ve already / just had a nap.
Last summer I (go) to Malaga on a beach holiday.
Pres Per w/ever or never: John / be on a backpacking holiday
John has never been on a backpacking holiday
Pres Per w/ever or never: Tina / write an article for a magazine / ?
Has Tina ever written an article for a magazine?
We need to book tickets to s____ the sights in Paris.
We can’t c_____ i_____ at the hotel until 2 o’clock.
check in
Cycling doesn’t h_____ the environment like driving.
Excuse me, how do I g____ to the station from here?
Don’t forget to take your s___ b____ because there aren’t any beds in a tent!
sleeping bag
There aren’t many t____ agents in towns now – most people book holidays on the Internet.