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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your ideal Healthy Lifestyle?
Everyone is Different. No judgment, no comparison.
When was your last medical check up?
Do it on every birthday and you'll never forget.
Why your health is very important?
Don't give text book answer ya, ask your heart.
Do you prefer cardio or weight lifting?
Ermmmmm....vote for both??
Do you have a health goal?
Do you repeat your health goal and how often do you do that?
How do you cope with stress?
I am the God Father of Stress, I don't Cope, I LIVE STRESS.
how many litres of water do you consume per day?
Ahhhhhh.. let me think....(still thinking...did I gave the correct amount)?
Do you wake up at 5am daily to exercise?
Maybe as a kid, wake up and exercise like in the pic? hahaha
Have you ever been without sugar drinks for 30days?
Give me "some" sugar, they say..
Have you ever buy exercise equipment but never use?
Have you ever try to achieve 10 k steps a day?
Good one! Good try!
Have you ever do 30 days plank challenge?
Does 30days over the duration of 3 years counts?
Have you ever try any kind of diet?
Have you ever buy gym membership but didn’t go for 6 months?
................(cricket sound)
Have you ever buy slimming product?
I guess at one point, we all did. hahaha