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Can animals laugh like people? Why do we laugh?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are cows smart? What can they do?
Cows are smart, they can open doors, push buttons, and turn on water.
Are chimps smart? What can they do? (trade, tokens, food)
Chimps are smart, they can trade tokens for food.
Can gorillas talk? How do you know? (sign language)
Gorillas can't talk, but they can use sign language.
Are foxes smart? How do you know?
Foxes are smart, because they can do tricks, find food, and avoid predators.
Are dolphins smart? How do you know? (shapes, choose, food)
Dolphins are smart, because they can choose the shape that means their favorite food.
What is smarter an 18 month old pig, or a baby human (person)? Why?
The pig can do many things, but it doesn't talk or learn like a human.
Are crows smart? How do you know? Can they use tools? Solve problems?
Yes crows are smart, they can use tools to solve problems.
Can animals laugh? Why do we laugh? What does it mean?
We laugh because it means we want to keep doing it, we are having fun, we are happy.