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How To Steal A Dog: Chapter 7

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What project did Georgina forget to do?
science project
What did Georgina notice about her mother in this chapter? a. Her hair was different. b. She had lost weight. c. She had pierced ears.
b. She had lost weight.
Why do you think Georgina's mom doesn't want them to leave their things in the house?
explain answer
True or false: Mama told them to leave their things at the house.
True or False: Georgina's mom works at the cleaners?
After spending the weekend in their new home, did Georgina like it?
No, she rather live in the car.
What types of things did Georgina's mom buy at the garage sale to make their new home more "homey?"
a fake plant, an alarm clock, a radio, a plastic raft
Georgina's mom bought stuff from where to decorate their new home?
a garage sale
Where was Georgina using the bathroom to wash up in chapter 7?