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Untraslatability and Text Analysis in Translatio ...

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When there is no lexical or syntactical substitute in the TL for an SL item. Is it the meaning of Linguistic untranslatability or Cultural untranslatability?
Linguistic untranslatability
A procedure in which the translator must read the text, find out the intentions of the text, text styles, readership is the meaning of?
Text Analysis
According to Hatim and Munday, they said that text types are seen as
What is Kebaya if you translated it to English?
traditional long-sleeved bloues for Java's women
Decoding, transcoding and recording are part of what phases of translation process?
The three-phase model
What is the meaning of Translation's note?
It means translator breaks the flow of the text by an annotation that compensantes the untranslatability
how many procedure to deal with translability that can used by translator? Please Mention!
6. They are Adaptation, Borrowing, Calque, Compensation, Paraphrase, Translator’s note
According to Catford, there are 2 types of Untranslability. What are those?
Cultural and Linguistic
a word that cannot be translated from the source language to the target language, because there is no equivalent meaning in the target language