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Text Analysis in Translation & Untranslatability

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Newmark say about analysis of a text?
Newmark say: analysis of a text is a procedure in which the translator must read the text, find out the intentions of the text, text syles, and readership
What is the definition about borrowing?
Borrowing is a translation procedure where by the translator uses a word or expression from the source text in the target text unmodified
What is the purpose of text analysis?
The purpose of text analysis is to create structured data out of free text content
What are the text analysis and translation process ?
Genre and text types
How to solve untranslatability?
Translators deal with untranslatability by a number of procedures, these include: adaptation, borrowing, calque, compensation, paraphrase, and translator's note
What does Catford say about Untranslatability?
Catford (1965) say about Untranslatability: "Failure to find a TL equivalent is due entirely to deerences between the source language and the TL" (p. 98)
How many types of untranslatability?
2 types that is: Linguistics Untranslatability & Cultural Untranslatability
What is the role and function of source text analysis?
Possible relationships between source and target text & phases of the translation process