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Wonder Women

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What's the name of this Catalan swimmer?
Mireia Belmonte
How old was Sally Ride, the youngest American astronaut in space? a)31 b)27 c)20
a) 31
Where is this actress, director and humanitarian from?
She is from the USA and her name is Angelina Jolie.
Whose paintings are these?
Frida Kahlo's
What was Amelia Earhart's job? a) actress b) politician c) pilot
c) pilot
What sport does she play? a) Gymnastics b) Tennis c) Athletism
b) Tennis. Her name is Serena Williams.
Who was this famous woman? a) Queen Latifah b) Whitney Houston c) Rihanna
b. Whitney Houston
Greta Thunberg is a teenage climate activist from which country? a. Sweden b. Norway c. Austria
a. Sweden
What is the name of this scientist?
Marie Curie
Who is the writer of the Harry Potter series?
J. K. Rowling