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Diggory Bones Episode 4

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happened at the end of the episode?
They ran to escape from a possible disaster.
Why was it hot in the cave, do you think?
They were walking near a volcano.
What's the weather like?
A storm is coming.
What time of day is it?
It's in the night.
When did Diggory remember the disaster?
When they were looking at the stars.
What disaster happened in Ancient Alexandria?
A volcanic eruption and a tsunami.
When is the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian year?
It's on July 21st.
What's the date?
21 July.
What is the name of the brightest star on the dog's nose?
It is called "Sirius"
The Canis Major means...
"The big dog"
When is Brutus going to give Diggory the Baloney Stone?
When he helps him to get what he wants.
What is the name of the group of stars?
The group of stars is called the "Canis Major"