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Simon Says with fun characters (before/after)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After you touch your head, wave your arms.
Olaf says... after you say your favorite animal, jump 2 times.
1- animal, 2- jump
Creeper says... Before you say your name, show your best dance move.
1- dance 2- name
Kermit says... After you stand up, do 3 jumping jacks.
1- stand up 2- jumping jacks
Monster says.... After you wave to the teacher, say your name.
1- wave 2- name
Elsa says....before you touch your toes, do 1 jumping jack.
1- jumping jack 2- toes
Beep says...After you do 1 jumping jack, give yourself a hug.
1. Jumping jack 2. Hug
Bing says... After you touch your nose, wave your hand.
1. nose 2. hand
Bo says.... after you touch your head, touch your shoulders.
1. Touch head 2. touch shoulders
Nemo says... before you do 2 jumping jacks, touch your belly.
1. touch your belly 2. jumping jacks
Charzard says... after you stand up, say your favorite color.
1. stand up 2. say favorite color
Rex says... after you say your name, touch your head.
1. say name 2. touch head
Buzz Lightyear says... after you touch your ears, stand up.
1. touch ears 2. stand up
Woody says...after you jump 2 times, touch your nose.
1. jump 2. touch nose
Princess Peach says... before you touch your toes, touch your ears.
1. touch ears 2. touch toes
Toodles says... before you do 3 jumping jacks, touch your head.
1. touch head 2. jumping jacks
Donald Duck says.... before you stand up, say your favorite color.
1. say favorite color 2. stand up
Mickey says... before you jump 2 times, say your name.
1. say name 2. jump
Luigi says... before your stand up, touch your nose.
1. touch nose 2. stand up
Pikachu says...before you clap your hands, say your name.
1. name 2. clap hands
Mario says....before you spin around, touch your head.
1. touch head 2. spin around