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MPYL 4 Classroom management

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sing a clean up song
Can we use Spanish in class?
Only when it is necessary: To make a difficult expression understood quickly. To explain instructions for an activity?
How can you manage the classroom climate? Partner A: explain 1 /Partner B: Explain 2
Managing the classroom climate means managing the physical environment and the emotional atmosphere of the classroom.
The book suggests some basic rules that can be set by the teacher or co-constructed with the teacher's guidance. Can you mention them? Explain 2
Do not talk when someone is talking. Raise your hand if you want to say something. Be kind to others. Work hard. Share. Cooperate.
Mention the aspects you need to take into account when using rules to manage your class effectively:
Be sure you know the school rules. Incorporate them. Clearly Communicate/co-costruct the rules. Incorporate consequences. Enforce rules. Involve family.
Sing a song to set the date and day
: D
Say the objective of your microteaching in less than 5 seconds
: D
Mention one way to designate classroom helpers.
: )
Sing a greeting song for kids
X D : )
Is the order correct? Set goal> take attendance> Greet T &SS> Assign roles > Date & time
NO. The suggested order is Greet T &SS> Assign roles> take attendance> Date & time Set goal
Attention getters and brain break are examples of
transition activities
Planning materials and instructions in advance is an example of ....
Managing of the pace of class: activities
Giving enough "waiting time" for students is an example of managing: TIME, ACTIVITIES or TRANSITIONS?
Managing time
Because young learners have short attention span, teachers need to move quickly from activity to activity. They need to master time, activities & transitions. Which aspect of classroom management is this?
Managing the pace of class.