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Chicken Licken
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Wolves live here.
A king and queen live here.
If you________ you might miss something.
You can grow food here.
Don't________, you will be ok!
________, that hurt!
Please don't _____________ the water!
An "acorn" is very______________.
What did Foxy Loxy want to do to Chicken Licken?
Eat him./Gobble him up.
Where did Foxy Loxy take Chicken Licken and the other characters?
Into the forest.
What is something that is big and red on a farm?
A barn
Where do ducks swim?
A pond.
Finish the name: Turkey_______
What animal is NOT a bird in the story?
Foxy Loxy
Who does Chicken Licken meet second?
Cocky Locky
Where do Chicken Licken and the other animals live?
In a farmyard/On a farm/In a barn
Who does Chicken Licken want to tell about the sky falling?
The King
What did Chicken Licken yell?
"The sky is falling!"
Who does Chiken Licken meet first?
Henny Penny
Who is the main character of the story?
Chicken Licken