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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does this graph represent?   Constant speed towards startAccelerationNot movingConstant speed away from start SHOW ANSWER  
Not moving
What happened to the object after 7 seconds of traveling?            - It suddenly increased its speed    -  It stopped                                            - It quickly slowed down
It quickly slowed down
A plane flew 2000 miles for 8 hours. What was its speed? 200 MILES/H,  0.0004 MILES/H,  250 MILES/H,  1600 MILES/H, )
250 miles/hour
If a car traveled 250 km in 5 hours, what was the average speed? ( 70 KM/H,  65KM/H,  60KM/H,  50 KM/H )
50 km/h
If a toy car rolls down a ramp in 3 seconds, and the ramp is 21 cm long, what will be the average speed? 7 CM/S,  5CM/S,  3CM/S,  4CM/S
7 cm/s
According to the graph how far does the person travel in the first 5 seconds? ( 2M,  10M,  0M,  5M )
A runners races in the 100 meter dash. It takes her 10 seconds to finish. What is her average speed?  ( 10 M/S,   1000 M/S,  100 M/S,  10 M/S )
10 m/s
Tyreese sprinted down the hallway for a science project. He ran a total of 40 meters in 20 seconds. What was his average speed?   ( 2 M/S,   20 M/S,   40 M/S,  10 M/S ).
2 meters per second
Energy can be _____________ or changed from one type to another. ( DESTROYED, TRANSFERRED, CREATED, IGNORED ).
What kind of energy is represented in the picture? ( POTENTIAL, KINETIC, SOUND, CHEMICAL, MECHANICAL )
When plants convert the sun's energy into food, which type of energy is it? ( POTENTIAL, KINETIC, SOUND, CHEMICAL, MECHANICAL ) )
What type of energy is in this picture? ( POTENTIAL, KINETIC, SOUND, GRAVITATIONAL )
Energy of motion is which type of energy? ( POTENTIAL, KINETIC, SOUND, GRAVITATIONAL )
Heat transfer through electromagnetic waves is called _______. ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
What type of heat transfer takes place in liquids and gasses? ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
What type of heat transfer takes place in solids? ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
The sun warming your skin is an example of heat transfer through ________. ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
When the 2nd story of a house is warmer than the 1st floor of a house is heat transfer through _____________. ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
The heat from a hot burner to a pot is transferred by ______. ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )
Warm air rises and the cool air sinks demonstrates this type of heat transfer. ( CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, INSOLATION )