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To + infinitive or -ing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After university, he went on ___________ (become) a doctor.
to become
I'll never forget ___________ (meet) my dog for the first time.
I regret not _____________ (watch) that film in the cinema!
She tried ___________ (fix) her broken TV, but it didn't work.
to fix
Don't forget ________________ (finish) your homework before class!
to finish
Remember _______________ (wash) the dishes before you go to the party!
to wash
I stopped the car _____________ (look) at the beautiful scenery.
to look
My phone stopped ______________ (work) after I dropped it.
Now that I have more time to study, I really mean ____________ (make) a good effort.
to make
I stopped ____________ (cycle) in the town center because it was just so busy!
Being a teacher means ____________(get) the best out of your students.
Even when I was an adult, my mum went on ____________ (treat) me like a child.
We regret ____ (inform) passengers of the cancellation of the 1pm bus to Cuenca.
to inform
Do you remember _____________ (eat) ceviche in that little restaurant in Guayaquil?
He tried _____________ (get) a job in a newspaper firm but they wouldn’t hire him.
to get
I couldn't sleep, so I tried ______(drink) some hot milk.