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Roller Coasters

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your favorite roller coaster?
There is no right answer, just share your ideas!
What is energy of motion?
Energy in an object that is moving from one place to another.
What's the longest roller coaster in the world? Where is it?
Steel Dragon 2000, in Japan.
How long is the Formula Rossa roller coaster? Where is it?
It's 2,2km, Ferrari World, the UAE.
What's the name of the model roller coaster in the book?
Samuel's Snakey Spiral.
What's the first thing you have to do to make a model roller coaster?
Make a plan and sketch it.
What is the highest roller coaster in the world?
Kingda Ka, the USA.
What is the work of a roller coaster?
Moving riders over a distance.